SEE the video for The End of Old Age
A brief excerpt from The End of Old Age:
“Aging brings strength. When we realize the truth of this message, we can begin to end the tired and constricted notions of ‘old’ that we internalize throughout our lifetime and that serve to denigrate and limit our aging self and perpetuate an ageist culture. To achieve this understanding, we must recognize the immense potential of our aging self, even in the face of common and expected struggles. We must learn how to age in a creative manner that is both the antidote to feeling old and the elixir of aging well.”
Dr. Agronin supremely understands a fundamental Blue Zones tenet: that communities that celebrate aging older adults and harness their wisdom enjoy greater longevity. His book redefines aging and offers an easy-to-read, story-driven guide to how to seize aging as an opportunity, not a curse.
Dan Buettner,
National Geographic Fellow and New York Times Bestselling Author of the Blue Zones and the Blue Zones of Happiness

About Marc Agronin
Marc E. Agronin, MD, a summa cum laude graduate of Harvard University and the Yale School of Medicine, is a board-certified adult and geriatric psychiatrist and the author of the acclaimed How We Age. Since 1999, he has served as the director of mental health services, clinical research, and the outpatient memory center at Miami Jewish Health. He has published essays in the New York Times and Scientific American Mind and writes regularly on aging and retirement issues for the Wall Street Journal.